Psychedelic Sunday Q 107 Toronto Compilation

Psychedelic Sunday has aired on Q 107 since the mid 1980’s and is now gone. Here’s a compilation of some material from the show through the years.

Clip One – From December 1987 featuring Andy Frost.

Clip Two – From March 2, 1986 featuring Andy Frost ( most of this one has been posted to the site earlier).

Clip Three – A short clip of Rory O Shea from 1995 ( recorded on a camcorder while we were making a family movie from the car and so the quality is as you would expect). Fortunately I captured Mr. O’Shea on much better audio on clip one here from the Six O’clock Rock Report. The two longest tenured hosts of the main block of the show from 12 to 6 PM were Andy Frost and Rory O’ Shea.

Clip Four – From earlier this decade and featuring Andy Frost and Al Joynes

Clip Five-  Riffer Madness Contest Aug 2009

Clip Six – Riffer Madness Contest Jan 2009

I have a lot of other Q 107 material posted to the site and you can use the search function to find it and fans of Psychedelic Sunday will also enjoy this clip with the legendary David Pritchard hosting the show. I posted this a few years ago. Almost two hours  of the show from 1992.

There was an earlier precursor show to Psychedelic Sunday called the Wax Museum and I have a tiny clip from that show on the site as well.

One regret is the fact that I don’t have any tape of the contest Riffer Madness. I played that many times but I only  remember recording it once and that was digitally and the computer it was on crashed. I may find a data recovery wiz to bring it back or maybe I will find some tape of the contest.

Postscript – Riffer Madness lives again on clips five and six above as the dead hard drive referenced above  was restored and I found two different clips with the contest.

4 thoughts on “Psychedelic Sunday Q 107 Toronto Compilation”

      1. Can you post them soon- i am a huge fan of that show and listened right from the start around .86. i will listen to any year of that show- I had tapes of the show but got rid of them, unfortunately, a few years ago.

        1. I have located the tapes. Will have one up in a few days. Going through some and the commercial breaks are way too long.

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