Here is more from KPPC FM, KMET FM and KROQ. The three stations were an important part of the free form and alternative broadcast history of Los Angeles and California.
In a sense the clips chart the history of free form in the city. KPPC FM was the first major free form outlet in the area and then the mantle was passed to KMET. K Rock or KROQ became one of the premiere alternative rock stations on the continent but at the beginning they had the attitude and a free form ethos which is evident on this clip featuring Jimmy Rabbit from November 1976.
Cosmos is the DJ on the KPPC clip from September 1971 and B Mitchell Reed is heard once again on on KMET from June 11, 1975. I have more to upload from these great stations in the future.
Have a listen to more vintage KMET at the Past Daily site and use the search function at the site to find more than what is on the link.