
Peter Griffin CHUM FM June 1973 from Kal’s Korner

A fantastic clip featuring Peter Griffin on CHUM FM from the summer of 1973. The clip helps me accomplish something that I have aimed for since I saw the picture linked below  ( from The Rock Radio Scrapbook site)  and that is to have audio on the site of all of the DJ’s shown. This clip has Tim Thomas on an ad at 13:38 and he was one DJ who was missing on the site. Audio of all of the others is available via previous air checks from CHUM FM and/or other stations.

The DJ’s pictured on the link are Brian Master, Pete Griffin, John Donabie, Benji Karsh, Tim Thomas, David Marsden, Jim Bauer. David Pritchard and Geets Romo ( David Haydu).

The clip is from CHUM FM’s free summer of 1973  as referenced by Pete Griffin at 2:11 . My fandom for the station was at a peak. They played fantastic music and I loved their diverse and multi genre play list. This clip is just a small peek into that musical wonderland.

The free summer featured trivia contests all summer long with great concert tickets and albums as the prize.  The second picture below is of the sheet I kept to record the contests that I had entered and won during that summer.  Wins included Jethro Tull tickets and albums  by identifying Stephen Stills and Manassas , Santana and John McLaughlin tickets and LP’s by answering the question who designed the album cover of Revolver by the Beatles and more music trivia. I spoke to almost of all of the DJ’s pictured plus Larry Green during these summer trivia contests.


This air check is  the second on the site contributed by Kal Raudoja. Please visit his web site and send him an email of appreciation mailto://  Clip was apparently taped by a fan of the Goon show who left the tape running before and after the show  ran on CHUM FM on a number of occasions. Kal has more from the same source plus a veritable treasure trove of other radio air checks and memorabilia. He has also given me a air check on the great  Reiner Schwarz  on CHUM FM from Feb, 1970 that I will be uploading in the future.


CFNY FM 1989

This clip was recorded on my JVC Stereo VCR and based on Barb Hansen’s brief news update I think it’s from 1988-89. You will also hear Scott Turner at 3:36. This was recorded during the “History of Rock Saturday.”

Judging by the tracks played and announced you would think you had tuned into Q 107 sometime in the late 70’s. I’m not sure if this was before or during Reiner Schwarz’s tenure as PD. The station’s format recovered from earlier tightening with Mr. Schwarz at the helm.

A classic rock staple by Manfred’s Mann’s Earth Band is featured in the clip above but the You Tube link below is from an earlier incarnation of the band and has them covering Randy Newman. A track which I heard regularly on CHUM FM in the early 70’s and which is  now forgotten by radio.

Audio of this air check is generally better on this You Tube upload:

David Pritchard Q 107 Psychedelic Sunday

**Have added the entire show on the second clip, almost two hours with some noise reduction which I usually hesitate in using because  of audio loss

**Third clip added of entire show that has resolved previous tracking and audio issues

Andy Frost started as the host of Psychedelic Sunday on Q107 in the mid 1980’s. He took a break from the show and was eventually replaced by Rory O’Shea before returning as host in the mid 90’s. Most people are not aware that legendary Toronto DJ and free form pioneer David Pritchard hosted Psychedelic Sunday for a very brief period and here is a clip featuring him as host. He does not say his name anywhere on the broadcast  and the delivery is not as laid back as his earlier on air persona but the familiar Pritchardism’s are on display. He had a way with words and his DJ patter was literate and unique. He could be described as a musicologist and that also comes through on the clip, although not to the extent that it did on his shows at free form CHUM FM.

This might have been his first show on Q and and I think he was constrained by the format and a number of classic rock staples are featured. He plays Barroom Blitz by Sweet and I don’t think he would have played that during his time at CHUM FM or CFNY. There’s a segment devoted to the Moody Blues and the music featured by them certainly hearkens back to his free form days and in fact the brief interview segments with Justin Hayward may have been originally taped years before.

I remember hearing another episode or two of the show where David seemed to have more leeway with the playlist but then he was gone and perhaps he was asked to tighten things and felt  limited by the format.

I have at least one more hour of this show to present in the future  so watch this space. Check our the Radio Corner section for recordings of David Pritchard from CHUM FM and CFNY. He is the one DJ that I have on tape from all three Toronto FM rock stations.

I originally recorded this clip on a JVC stereo VCR that could record two separate audio sources simultaneously one to go with video and a separate external source. There’s some tracking issues on the tape. Most of the clips featured on the site were recorded on reel to reel tape. This broadcast may be from January 1992.

Ron Bruchal on CFNY, WUWU AND MORE – JUNE 28, 1983

***A note to air check traders. Please do not record these air checks and try and trade. I have the original tapes many of which I recorded myself and thus the authenticity can not be in doubt and can be easily traced.

This clip begins with the group called  The The and the track “Perfect on WUWU 107.7 FM. After that there is some dial twisting including a bit of Daddy Cool on CFNY at 12:53. You will hear a bit of the  syndicated program Rockline with Bob Cockburn at 13:55 and at 17:20 a DJ from WCMF, Rochester proclaims “history in the making” by having played the first compact laser disc ( Phil Collin’s Face Value album). This part of the clip is possibly from around September 1982 based on a mention of  Billy Joel’s Nylon Curtain as a new release and the introduction of CD’s as a commercial product.

Starting at 17:52 we hear Ron Brushal on CFNY with an interesting mix of music including The Wall of Voodoo’s cover of “Ring of Fire”, Peter Gabriel and Jimmy Pursey with Animals Have More Fun, Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel and more.