
Javed Jafri


The Jafri Family British Columbia 2012


Radio Contest Wins from 1972 to 2001. Click to Enlarge and View

Radio Contest Wins 1986 to 1991
Radio Contests Various Stations 1991 to 1993
Radio Contests Various Stations 1993 to 1994
Radio Contests Various Stations 1994 to1995
Radio Contests Various Stations 1995 to 1996
Radio Contests Various Stations 1996 to 1998
Radio Contests Various Stations 1998 to 2000
Radio Contests Various stations 2000 to 2001



17 thoughts on “Javed Jafri”

  1. Like you, I recorded “oil of dog” in the 1970’s and 80’s. I still have some of the cassettes. I am tempted to go into my archives and digitize them for you if you are interested.

  2. Hi Javed,
    Great website a lot of memories for sure. Do you have any more air checks of Bob Magee, Samantha Houston & Robbie Evans?

      1. Thank you for the reply 🙂 I did see the air check on Youtube and thank you again for the link. Last question, what about any air checks of Roger, Rick & Marilyn?

  3. I think I still have some of the contest snippets of R & M that will can upload in the future but don’t have anything with Rick as far as I remember. The Rock Radio Scrapbook has some Roger Ashby content.

  4. Let the universe answer is such a cool site to visit: Hi Javid I tried to send this message to Kals mail site but was not able to get through regarding CHUM FM commercials. I tried his message site and could not get through because something was wrong with address, could you forward this mssg to him Thanks Regards Ted
    Hi Kal : In your collection of Chum FM tapes do you have any ads for Panasonic dating back to the early 70’s ( 1970 – 73 period). I remember a really cool ad about Panasonic and maybe technics stereo eqt. from that period. It might have been done by David Pritchard? If You do please add it in with another radio clip and any other cool ads. Thanks and Regards Ted

    1. Ted, I reached out to Kal and he does not specifically remember a Panasonic or Techniques ad but you never know so stay tuned.

  5. Hello,
    Very much appreciate the Bob Eubanks, Dick Moreland air check. I am producing a documentary on LA during the 60s and 70s with a target of going to KCET the LA PBS station. Is there any chance you might have KRLA air checks from June 26, 1967 and following days after the Century City protests?

  6. It could have been a Pete’N’Geets commercial for Fairview Electronics. They always mentioned brand names in their spots. I recorded dozens of them with Pete and Dave “Geets” over the years.

  7. Unbelievable! I can’t wait to sift through some of this stuff. I was just doing some random reminiscing on YouTube and saw your Gary Storm/WZIR video/air-check. That was a great station; formative listening for many of us. Anyway, now that I’ve found your blog (and being so happy to see it looks like you are still posting new things in 2023!), I look forward to perusing your prose and musical promulgations…

  8. Hi wondering if you could tell me the piece of instrumental and artist that played as background music on an advertisement from your WCMF FM clip it came on at about 40 min 13 second point of the clip. WCMF Oct 1971 Fred Filbreck was the DJ.
    It’s too bad that some people have driven you to not put on any more clips as you have been having trouble with some who have tried monopolizing on it. Our generation is not getting younger and the next ones after us won’t care about any of it, why worry about it, don’t let it get you down. Always enjoy your efforts. Thanks,

    1. BTW I’m not the guy supposedly stealing your stuff, you never answered me on my previous request because I would go and buy the record if you have any idea of what it is. Please respond. And yes I’m extremely interested in anything CHUM FM oriented but anything you offer is in my word privileged and only for my listening. Please respond.

    2. Sorry I somehow missed your question previously. Sounds a bit like maybe John McLaughlin but it could be very well someone else.

    1. Muckers I am not sure how many times I won on the Morning Mystery Oldie/Hit but quite a few. I have uploaded pictures above which you can click and enlarge to view documentation I kept about all the radio contests I won on various stations between 1972 to 1974 and then 1986 to 2001. I love music trivia and would play all the contests where there was a question. Rarely entered the ones where you just had to be the 10th caller and such. I played these contests from 1972 until approx. 2008. I did not document in writing my winnings between 1974 to 1986 or between 2001 to 2008 but I have some audio of those on the site.

      Near the end I had really slowed down and by one point I just retired from the hobby. Between 1990 and 2001 it had become a bit too extreme and so I was glad to slow down. The period between 1974 to 1985 was also not too intense and most of my winnings were probably confined to CHUM FM, CFNY and Q 107. I did not branch out to the other stations until I caught the bug to win and in the early days I only entered contests on stations that listened to regularly. With the internet and Shazam and such, the contests probably don’t offer as much of a challenge.

      All my wins between 1972 and 1974 were on CHUM FM and that was my favorite era as the station was free form.

      In all I must have won well over 260 radio contests.

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