WUWU FM Buffalo – ID’s & More- Encore !

***A note to air check traders. Please do not record these air checks and try and trade. I have the original tapes many of which I recorded myself and thus the authenticity can not be in doubt and can be easily traced.

I rarely repeat content on the site but I have combined two previous clips from WUWU FM into one post and both feature Gary Storm  on air during the day and not on his all night Oil of Dog program. The clip also highlights two fantastic station ID’s which can be heard at 3:13 and 14:40. Gary Storm can be heard in between two off-kilter Led Zeppelin covers recorded on two separate broadcasts. You will also hear the late Bob Allen at 19:16 promoting his talk program called the Town Crier. There’s also a small snippet from Buffalo’s 97 Rock. All the content is from 1982.

WUWU was a truly gonzo outfit and legend has it that Bob Allen took over the station without authorization on it’s last day as a free form station. Some have said that was a stunt but I was listening that night and Mr. Allen sounded like a man who had become unhinged and more so when I called him up on the studio line when I heard what he was saying on air.

Search the site for a lot more content from WUWU and the earlier but related  free form stations WZIR and WBUF.

9 thoughts on “WUWU FM Buffalo – ID’s & More- Encore !”

  1. Oh my gosh…stumbling on this made my day! I remember vividly when Bob Allen hijacked the transmitter…would love to hear that again. Also his nutty morning talk show. What a time that was.

  2. I was a freshman at RIT when WUWU was going. It, and the campus radio station were the favs on campus. They played the music that no other station would dare to play. We were in mourning when they were forced off the air.

  3. This is outstanding!! I was a student at SUNY Geneseo, and WUWU and CFNY out of Toronto were the stations of the day–they had heart, soul, a great playlist, outstanding sounders, and above all else, personality. Yes, WUWU was quirky (I seem to remember a metal memorial weekend that blew up into something unexpected) but this aircheck was a wonderful trip back in time. Thank you to the person who created this site, and had the foresight to role tape and keep tape on The Rock of Western New York!

  4. On a whim Googled WUWU and ended up here. Takes me back to living in Rochester 1981-83 and got addicted to the station. Such good music at a time when an edge had come back to rock from the asleep at the wheel ’70s.

    It is an incredible treat to be able to listen to this as it takes me back. It was my first job out of college and first time living on my own on the money I was earning. Awesome. Thank you. Any chance you have more to share?

    Best, Mark

    1. There is other WUWU content on the site. Use the search function on the site and you will be able to find it. Also check out the “Oil of Dog Corner.”

  5. I was in my twenties living just off of Broadway in Buffalo and WUWU was such a breath of fresh air. During the weekends they would play European Rock with most of it never being heard in the US before. The station was total freedom. Just listening to some of the taped segments was terrific. Thanks to all who put this website together.

  6. I have been wondering what happened to Bob Allen. I met him several times, he even came to my house with flyers and bumper stickers that I distributed when the station was just getting going.
    One of their contests gave away the ” heavy metal starter kit” a pound of nails and 12 inch chain. At the time, he said I was the only person to show up and claim my prize.
    Fun times!

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